Friday, January 21, 2011

Bison Drawing

     Here is my finished drawing of the bison.  As usual I thought I was finished a couple of times and then after looking at it for awhile I thought it needed something changed.  That is a pretty normal process for me and I usually avoid posting anything until I have a chance to look at it for awhile.  On this piece I decided that it needed a background, more sage and some distant hills.  I'm still thinking about a name for it and several have come to mind.  "In His Prime" is one I'm thinking about.


  1. Boy, good job, I really like that! I remember that afternoon in Jackson Hole when we watch and photographed that herd coming across the flat for a drink out of a little puddle of water in the road, what a good time that was. This bull looks familiar, from that trip.

  2. That was a great trip. Hopefully not the last. I'm hoping to make it to Jackson for that art show this next fall.

  3. I've decided to call this one "Majestic"
